2023 NE Vacation Day 7: Bar Harbor

 We decided to spend some time in the village of Bar Harbor before heading out. 

On the way to our next destination we saw a sign for Fort Knox. Not THE Fort Knox, but still. There was a really cool bridge, too. We bought tickets to go up into the bridge observatory and then to take a self tour of the fort. 

The fort reminded me of the fort on our recent FL trip. We were allowed to roam and explore freely. There was no artificial lighting anywhere so we had to traverse the tunnels with the flashlights on our phones. It was so much fun. Tim ended up tripping and falling at one point so we headed out after that. 

Dining room

Artillery tunnel. Super dark.

Long tunnel inside the fort

From the top of the bridge observatory
 The lighthouse was one of our last stops of the day. It was chilly and windy and the lighthouse itself wasn't open, but the views were really pretty. 

Portland Head Lighthouse, Cape Elizabeth, ME

We also stopped for some soft serve. It wasn't great, but we'd been trying to find a treat for a while and nothing panned out. (Say the phrase, "ring for whoopie pies" to anyone on our trip and they'll burst out laughing.)


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